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  • Silver Multi Gemstone Necklace/Wrapped Bracelet with Labradorite and Iolite

    A silver clasp and beads highlight an array of Labradorite, Iolite, and Mystic Topaz. This unique necklace is long enough to double as a wrapped gemstone bead bracelet and features beautiful zodiac sign gemstones.

    The total length of 33-34.5" has 3 clasp options which are 1 inch apart, and the necklace can be worn long or wrapped for a layered look with the clasp in front.

    Zodiac Sign Gemstone Colors & Meanings
    Labradorite is known for its changing colors and can be found in shades of grey to blue with green and blue flashes. Labradorite is considered a tremendously spiritual stone, especially helpful for people who tend to overwork. Labradorite is associated with the zodiac signs of Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

    Iolite can be light to deep blue, and usually has a purplish tinge to it. Iolite crystals are used to help recover a lost sense of balance and to promote intuition and self-acceptance. Iolite is associated with the zodiac signs Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus.